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Free seminar series to explore how key sectors can support post-COVID recovery | Sreath sheiminearan an-asgaidh gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air mar as urrainn do phrìomh roinnean taic a thoirt do shlànachadh às deidh COVID

Media release - for immediate use | Fios naidheachd - airson a chleachdadh sa bhad

Thursday 11 March 2021 | Diardaoin 11 Màrt 2021

Free seminar series to explore how key sectors can support post-COVID recovery

The University of the Highlands and Islands has announced details of a free, public seminar series.

The online events, which are part of the university partnership's tenth birthday celebrations, will explore how key sectors can contribute to the region's post-COVID recovery.

Named after the Gaelic word for ‘leading', the ‘A' stiùireadh' series will feature a range of panellists and cover topics including education, health and the marine economy.

The series will begin on Wednesday 31 March with a look back at the development of the university partnership and the impact it has had on the Highlands and Islands, Moray and Perthshire.

Speakers in the ‘communities and economy' discussion will include the new University of the Highlands and Islands Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Todd Walker, and the former Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor James Fraser. Charlotte Wright, Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Florence Jansen, President of the Highlands and Islands Students' Association and James Ellsmoor, an expert in island sustainability and the university's alumnus of the year for 2020 will also join the panel.

The seminar programme will run until the summer:

  • Leading communities and economy - 12 noon to 1.15pm on Wednesday 31 March
  • Leading the blue economy - 4pm to 5.15pm on Thursday 15 April
  • Leading rural health - 4pm to 5.15pm on Thursday 22 April
  • Leading learning - 4pm to 5.15pm on Thursday 13 May
  • Leading health research and innovation - 4pm to 5.15pm on Thursday 10 June

Highlands and Islands Enterprise is supporting the series and several staff members will be joining the panels. Chief Executive, Charlotte Wright said: "In achieving successful economic recovery, the University of the Highlands and Islands has a crucial role in responding to new economic opportunities, providing an education and research offer linked to different industries and strengthening the region's workforce and communities. Our strategic partnership with the University of the Highlands and Islands network has grown stronger every year and we very much look forward to working with them to make these webinars a success for our region's businesses."

Speaking about the series, the university's new Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Todd Walker, said: "The University of the Highlands and Islands partnership was created to have a transformational impact on the prospects of our region. We aim to attract and nurture talent in our region, helping to reverse population decline and build innovation and socio-economic prosperity.

"Along with colleagues in public, private and third sector organisations, we have a vital role to play in supporting our region's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our tenth birthday seminar series offers us an exciting opportunity to explore how our key sectors can work together to support the communities we serve."

To find out more about and to sign up to the events, visit


Sreath sheiminearan an-asgaidh gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air mar as urrainn do phrìomh roinnean taic a thoirt do shlànachadh às deidh COVID

Tha Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean air fiosrachadh fhoillseachadh mu shreath seiminearan poblach an-asgaidh.

Bidh na tachartasan air-loidhne, a tha mar phàirt de chomharrachadh co-latha-breith deich bliadhna com-pàirteachas an oilthighe, a' sgrùdadh mar as urrainn do phrìomh roinnean cur ri slànachadh na sgìre às deidh COVID.

Air ainmeachadh an dèidh an fhacail Ghàidhlig airson ‘leading', bidh an t-sreath ‘A' Stiùireadh' a' nochdadh raon de luchd-labhairt agus a' dèiligeadh ri cuspairean a' gabhail a-steach foghlam, slàinte agus eaconamaidh na mara.

Tòisichidh an t-sreath air Diciadain 31 Màrt le sùil air ais air leasachadh com-pàirteachas an oilthighe agus a' bhuaidh a tha air a bhith aige air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan, Moireibh agus Siorrachd Pheairt.

Am measg an luchd-labhairt anns an deasbad ‘coimhearsnachdan agus eaconamaidh' bidh Prionnsapal agus Iar-Sheansalair ùr Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, an t-Àrd Ollamh Todd Walker, agus an seann Phrionnsapal agus Iar-Sheansalair, an t-Àrd-Ollamh Seumas Friseal. Charlotte Wright, Ceannard Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean, Florence Jansen Ceann-suidhe Comann Oileanaich na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean agus James Ellsmoor eòlaiche seasmhachd eileanan cuideachd a' tighinn air a' phannal.

Bidh am prògram sheiminearan a' ruith chun an t-samhraidh:

• A' stiùireadh choimhearsnachdan agus eaconamaidh - 12f gu 1.15f Diciadain 31 Màrt

• A' stiùireadh an eaconamaidh ghorm - 4f gu 5.15f air Diardaoin 15 Giblean

• A' stiùireadh slàinte dhùthchail - 4f gu 5.15f air Diardaoin 22 Giblean

• A' stiùireadh ionnsachadh - 4f gu 5.15f air Diardaoin 13 Cèitean

• A' stiùireadh rannsachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachadh slàinte - 4f gu 5.15f air Diardaoin 10 Ògmhios

Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean a' toirt taic don t-sreath agus bidh grunn luchd-obrach a' tighinn air na pannalan. Thuirt an Ceannard, Charlotte Wright: "Ann a bhith a' faighinn ath-bheothachadh eaconamach soirbheachail, tha àite deatamach aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean ann a bhith a' freagairt chothroman eaconamach ùra, a' toirt seachad tairgse foghlaim is rannsachaidh ceangailte ri diofar ghnìomhachasan agus a' neartachadh luchd-obrach agus coimhearsnachdan na sgìre. Tha ar com-pàirteachas ro-innleachdail le lìonra Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean air fàs nas làidire gach bliadhna agus tha sinn a' coimhead air adhart gu mòr ri bhith ag obair còmhla riutha gus na webinars seo a dhèanamh soirbheachail do ghnìomhachasan na sgìre againn.

A' bruidhinn mun t-sreath, thuirt Prionnsapal agus Iar-Sheansalair ùr an oilthighe, an t-Àrd Ollamh Todd Walker: "Chaidh com-pàirteachas Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean a chruthachadh gus buaidh cruth-atharrachail a thoirt air na tha san amharc don sgìre againn. Tha sinn ag amas air tàlant a thàladh agus àrach san sgìre againn, a' cuideachadh le bhith a' cur stad air crìonadh sluaigh agus a' togail ùr-ghnàthachadh agus beairteas sòiseo-eaconamach.

"Còmhla ri co-obraichean ann am buidhnean poblach, prìobhaideach agus treas roinn, tha pàirt dheatamach againn ann a bhith a' toirt taic do shlànachadh na sgìre againn bho ghalair sgaoilte COVID-19. Tha an t-sreath cho-labhairtean don deicheamh co-latha-breith againn a' toirt cothrom inntinneach dhuinn sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air mar as urrainn do na prìomh roinnean againn a bhith ag obair còmhla gus taic a thoirt do na coimhearsnachdan a tha sinn a' frithealadh."

Gus tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu na tachartasan agus gus clàradh airson nan tachartasan, tadhailibh air


Birthday motif (click to download)

Professor Todd Walker (click to download)


Florence Jansen (click to download)

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