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Radnor Primary School is recognised by Estyn for its inclusive education and emphasis on health


Radnor Primary School in Canton has received praise for its commitment to providing an inclusive and supportive educational environment during a recent inspection by Estyn.

Celebrated for its nurturing atmosphere where pupils and families are valued and respected, the school has been recognised by Wales's Education Inspectorate for its dedication to instilling important values like equity and diversity among pupils who have been found to display excellent behaviour, demonstrating respect for both teachers and their peers.

In its report, Estyn noted the strong relationships among staff, pupils, governors, and parents which contribute to an encouraging and caring atmosphere for all.


The inspection report noted that as pupils progress through the school, they make good development in various aspects of learning and while they excel in oracy and reading skills, their progress in writing requires more attention.

Inspectors highlighted the school's dedication to fostering a healthy lifestyle and by effectively integrating physical fitness into its daily routine, pupils are taught the significance of staying active.

The school's provision for pupils with additional needs and those with English as an additional language has been deemed successful and through collaboration with parents, staff, and external agencies, the school has effectively tailored its approach to accommodate individual requirements.

The school's curriculum is deeply rooted in its local area and cultural diversity and while most teachers create engaging learning experiences that build upon students' existing knowledge, there are variations in assessment and feedback practices across the school. Some students struggle to articulate their areas of improvement or strengths.

The headteacher's leadership has been recognised as effective, fostering a strong team ethos and collaboration with the governing body is evident in the school's constant pursuit of strengths and areas for improvement. However, the inspection suggests that there is room to ensure the most effective teaching methods are consistently implemented and shared throughout the institution.

Overall a positive report, Estyn have made a series of recommendations which will be addressed in the school's improvement plan;

  • Refine self-evaluation processes for consistent sharing of effective practices,
  • Enhance the quality and uniformity of teachers' feedback
  • Provide more opportunities for students to engage in extended writing across various subjects.

Estyn will invite the school to create a case study on its work in promoting physical fitness for the entire school community, which will be shared on Estyn's website.

Reflecting on the report, Headteacher Ann James said: "We are pleased that our hard work has been recognised by Estyn and that their views matched so closely with the findings from our own self-evaluation processes. 

"I'd like to thank staff, governors, parents and of course our children for all of their hard work that has been highlighted in this positive inspection report.  

"I would also like to pass on our thanks to Cardiff Council and Sustrans Cymru for their support with our many Active Travel Endeavours."

Cardiff Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Staff, pupils and the wider school community should feel immensely proud of the recognition given to Radnor Primary School in the Estyn inspection report. The commitment to an inclusive and nurturing environment, coupled with the school's innovative approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle, reflects the dedication to the development of pupils across all year groups.

"It is also fantastic to hear that Estyn have invited the school to share their work on promoting physical fitness, for others to learn from. Congratulations to the headteacher, governors and all at the school."


At the time of the inspectionRadnor Primary School had 263 students on roll. 21.4% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, 3.0% identified as having additional learning needs and 14.2% of pupils have English as an additional language.

Estyn has adopted anew approach to inspection in schools and Pupil Referral Units across Wales. Inspection reports will no longer include summative gradings (e.g. ‘Excellent', ‘Good' or ‘Adequate') and now focus on how well providers are helping a child to learn.

The new approach aligns with the personalisation of the new curriculum for Wales with inspections involving more in-person discussions, placing less emphasis on achievement data.

Estyn believe that the new inspection approach will make it easier for providers to gain meaningful insights that help them to improve without the spotlight on a judgement.