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Pentrebane Primary School is praised for its inclusive and nurturing environment by Estyn but urged to address key ar


Pentrebane Primary School has been recognised for its inclusive and nurturing environment, in a recent report published by Estyn.

During a visit by Wales's Inspectorate for Education, inspectors highlighted the school's dedication to creating a safe and caring atmosphere where pupils demonstrate courteous behaviour towards peers, staff, and visitors.

It was noted that the school's efforts to support pupils' emotional health have positively impacted their overall well-being and the school's engagement with various visits and visitors has enriched students' learning experiences, leading to enthusiastic discussions about their acquired knowledge.

However, the report also points out several areas that require attention. The progress of pupils, while commendable for many, was found to be inconsistent, leading to skill gaps in writing, numeracy, information and communication technology (ICT), and Welsh language proficiency which were found to have effect on other areas of the curriculum.

The report also highlights variable teaching quality across the school, with some teachers exhibiting low expectations of student potential that hinder the development of independent learning skills.

The report underscores the need for a stable and effective leadership structure and improvements necessary for the overall quality of teaching and learning, including initiatives to implement the new curriculum for Wales. The report also draws attention to attendance issues that need to be effectively analysed and addressed.

In light of the findings,Estyn have made a series of recommendations and stated thatspecial measures are required. These will be addressed in the schools improvement action plan and include;

  • Addressing safeguarding concerns identified during the inspection.
  • Establishing an effective leadership and governance structure that evaluates teaching impact on pupils' standards.
  • Enhancing the quality of teaching and assessment to ensure appropriate progress, particularly in key areas like writing, numeracy, ICT, and Welsh.
  • Developing a comprehensive curriculum that fosters student engagement and progressive skill development across subjects.
  • Improving pupils' attendance by taking targeted measures.

Estyn will monitor the school's progress usually every four to six months.

Acting Chair of Governors, Doug Corp said: "Following on from the inspection and the report on its findings, we are pleased that Estyn has recognised that the school is an inclusive, nurturing environment where pupils feel safe and cared for.

"However, we recognise that there are a number of areas where improvements are needed and an action plan will be put in place which will address the issues highlighted by Estyn.

This will ensure that standards are raised so our children receive the education and have the learning environment they deserve.

"With those improvements in place we look forward to Estyn seeing the school in a much more positive light on their next visit to Pentrebane Primary School."

Cardiff Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Pentrebane Primary School's commitment to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment is evidentand Estyn recognise the positive relationship between pupils and staff.

"While the school has strengths to build upon, addressing the identified areas in the report is crucial to providing a well-rounded education for its students. The school will be committed to addressing the recommendations from Estyn with support from the Local Authority."

At the time of the inspectionPentrebane Primary School, had 220 students on roll. 53.4% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, 23.7% identified as having additional learning needs and 17.8% speak English as an additional language.

Estyn has adopted anew approach to inspection in schools and Pupil Referral Units across Wales. Inspection reports will no longer include summative gradings (e.g. ‘Excellent', ‘Good' or ‘Adequate') and now focus on how well providers are helping a child to learn.

The new approach aligns with the personalisation of the new curriculum for Wales with inspections involving more in-person discussions, placing less emphasis on achievement data.

Estyn believe that the new inspection approach will make it easier for providers to gain meaningful insights that help them to improve without the spotlight on a judgement.