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Tobacco expert says e-cigs ‘could help save millions’ – iBreathe responds
 Tobacco expert says e-cigs ‘could help save millions’ – iBreathe responds

iBreathe, a popular UK seller of electronic cigarettes and accessories, have commented on argument to MSPs that e-cigs have the potential to save millions of lives and provide significant public health benefits.

Some campaigners have admitted concerns regarding the rise of electronic cigarettes, with the Scottish Government considering a ban on sales to under-18s and advertising restrictions, but they could soon be swayed in favour of the electronic devices as one of the UK’s prominent tobacco and alcohol experts has argued that people could be helped to stop smoking and public health could be improved as a result of increasing e-cig popularity.

The claim comes from director of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies (UKCTCS), John Britton, who believes that tobacco alternatives such as e-cigs could help to limit the use of tobacco products and potentially save millions of lives. The UKCTCS is supported by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration.

Mr Britton expressed his views at a health committee in Holyrood, Scotland earlier in the month.

“Electronic cigarettes offer a huge potential benefit to public health by helping smokers to shift to an alternative source to nicotine. If all smokers in Britain were to do that we would be talking of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of premature deaths avoided,” he said.

Warning against what he sees as an impending over-regulation of electronic cigs, he continued, “It is very important I think when legislating and controlling the inevitable abuses of the market that will come with electronic cigarettes, and the inherent risks within the products which we still know relatively little about – it is important to manage those risks, but not in a way that throws the baby out with the bath water, because there is a huge potential public health prize in these products.”

Presently, it’s believed that in excess of 1.3 million people in the UK are actively using e-cigs.

iBreathe, a seller of vaping devices, liquids and accessories, regularly share their thoughts on relevant industry news. They believe that strict legislation could dissuade people from kicking their tobacco habit.

“Electronic cigarettes have already become really popular in the last few years and there’s some real scope for massive changes for the better. We’re talking about potentially millions of people who could give up tobacco for e-cigs. While no one wants to re-normalise smoking, we shouldn’t lose sight of the positive impact that e-cigs could have.”

iBreathe is one of the fastest growing e-cig sellers in the United Kingdom. Visit their website today at