Cardiff Council has published a draft version of its new
Participation Strategy, which it hopes will encourage more local people to get
involved in its decision-making processes.
The strategy, which will be considered by the council’s Cabinet at its meeting on Thursday, has been compiled in the wake of a Welsh Government law which obliges authorities in Wales to adopt this approach.
For many years, the Council has undertaken consultations with the public over the budget and through its Ask Cardiff initiative, which have helped to shape policies and inform key decisions.
Now, following The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act
2021, which states that each council’s strategy must help local people become
aware of issues, it now plans to expand this on issues including
The council has already embedded participation in its ‘Stronger, Fairer, Greener’ policy statement, committing itself to amplifying the voices of people who are less likely to become involved in the decision-making process and improving engagement with ‘seldom heard voices’.
Now, the new Participation Strategy sets out ways for these
goals to be achieved. Among the initiatives proposed are:
One of the key drivers of the strategy is Cllr Julie Sangani, the joint Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equality and Public Health. She said: “Promoting civic participation and giving the people of Cardiff a voice in shaping the decisions that affect their lives represent key priorities for the Council. These are also values that are close to my heart.
“We are therefore committed to doing everything we can to ensure every voice is heard. This means giving everyone an opportunity to contribute and we must be ready to listen and respond.
“We may not always go forward with the public’s preferred option but when we do not, we need to be clear and transparent and explain why not.”
The council has now agreed to undertake a six-week consultation
on the draft strategy, running from July 24 to September 4, involving groups
identified as under-represented, along with focus groups featuring:
Information on the strategy is available in Welsh, Polish, Arabic and Bengali and will be made available as part of the process. When this process is complete, the Cabinet will be asked to give its full approval to the final version of the strategy this Autumn.
Follow this link to read the Participation
Strategy in full - Participation Strategy
The report will go to Cabinet for approval from 2pm on Thursday, July 13. A live stream of that meeting will be available to view here Cabinet web cast link