St Patrick's R.C. Primary School in Grangetown commended by Estyn


Estyn have describedSt Patrick's R.C. Primary Schoolin Cardiff as a happy and inclusive school that places a high priority on the well-being of its pupils.


During its recent visit to the Catholic faith school in Grangetown, the Education Inspectorate for Wales found that nearly all pupils feel happy and safe in school and know whom to ask for help should they need it.272 pupils were on roll at the school during the time of the inspection in June and 33.2% of pupils were eligible for free school meals.

Inspectors noted that pupils show high levels of interest and enjoyment in their lessons, clubs and additional activities they attend and nearly all pupils behave very well within lessons and at break times. Most pupils, including the15.8% of thosewith additional learning needs (ALN) and 27.8% of those learning English as an additional language, make strong progress in their learning.


Estyn observed that teaching across the school is good and nearly all teachers have high expectations of pupils with lessons tailored to match pupils' needs well, helping to keep challenge high for learners, including the more able.

The report goes on to say that the school is developing a highly engaging curriculum which includes cooking skills, cycling lessons and sessions in the forest area of the school and lessons are brought to life very successfully through ‘immersion days' when pupils enjoy a range of trips, visitors to the school and interesting learning experiences. School leaders were also found to have worked with the school community to create a clear vision of high expectation and continuous improvement for all, rooted in Christian values.


Reflecting on the school's success, Headteacher Mr Peter Knight said:"I am delighted that the inspectors have recognised the excellent work that we are doing. We have the most amazing children here at St Patrick's from many diverse cultures and backgrounds. We do everything we can to give every one of them the very best start in life. That is why we place such a strong emphasis on our shared values and well-being for staff as well as pupils. 

"It's great to see that the inspectors agree that we are ‘A highly inclusive school where every pupil is valued and supported,' and that ‘almost without exception, pupils show great pride in themselves, their school and their work.'

"We are thrilled that the inspectors were so impressed with the way that the school is delivering the New Curriculum ahead of schedule. It's very exciting and a huge compliment that they've invited the school to produce a case study to be published on the Estyn website to serve as an example of effective and innovative practice to encourage and inspire other Welsh schools."

The Chair of Governors at St Patrick's, Dr Valentina Flamini says,

"The governors are very pleased that a very strong sense of community comes across in the report. We are extremely proud of the staff at the school but most of all we are proud of our wonderful children."

Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "This is a very positive inspection for St Patrick's R.C. Primary School, which remains one of Cardiff's many excellent faith schools. 

"I am particularly impressed by the work that the school is doing to embrace the new curriculum and the innovative approach to learning experiences and opportunities, which are clearly inspiring the creativity of pupils and capturing their interest.

"Congratulations to the head, staff, pupils and governors on this excellent achievement."