Improving safety in Cardiff’s parks


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Installing CCTV, looking at opportunities for improving lighting,locking certain park gates at night, and offering rewards to help catch vandals will all be discussed as part of plans being drawn up to improve safety in Cardiff's parks.

Cardiff Council is looking at a series of measures to improve safety in the city's much-loved parks following a-number-of incidents, including one which saw several thousands of pounds worth of damage caused to trees, planters, stonework, manhole covers and fibre optic cables in Bute Park in September last year.

The report, which will be presented on Thursday, January 20, recommends Cabinet consider the following:


  • Offering a reward for when serious vandalism occurs in parks for information which leads to arrests;


  • Proposals to undertake consultation with local communities on whether to return to locking Roath Park, inclusive of Roath Pleasure Gardens, and Parc Cefn Onn at night, and;


  • Looking at ways, during the budget process, to increase funding for park safety and support staff, volunteers and Friends Groups.

Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Cllr Peter Bradbury, said: "Cardiff's parks have always been safe places where people can go to enjoy the outdoors and it's really important they remain so.

"This report will pave the way to help us fully understand the potential impact that lighting and any other additional safety measures like CCTV and a return to locking certain parks at night might have on our parks and on the people who use them.

"Our ‘Friends of' and volunteer groups are vital in the management and development of our parks and green spaces and we want to help grow and support them in what they do. We will also consult and work with residents on any changes or proposals which might affect them,so our parks can continue to be enjoyed by everyone."