Significant plans to expand provision for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN), Complex Learning Needs (CLN) and health and wellbeing needs, have been revealed by Cardiff Council.
In a report to Cabinet, recommendations are made to hold public consultation on a wide range of proposals to help meet increasing demand for places in special schools and in primary and secondary Specialist Resource Bases (SRB) in schools across the city.
Consistent with the Cardiff 2030 vision for education and learning which sets an ambition where all children and young people are able to access appropriate routes into education and learning opportunities, the proposals would provide:
Currently Cardiff has 17 Specialist Resources Bases (SRB) hosted at primary and secondary schoolswhich provide support and opportunities so that pupils with learning difficulties can succeed in a mainstream school environment.There are also seven Special Schools, five primary wellbeing classes, a specialist Pupil Referral Unit and a primary speech and language class.
However, pupil population growth and the increased complexity of needs of some learners has meant that the requirement for specialist provision is greater. Improved survival rates for children born with significant disabilities resulting in severe and complex disabilities has also increased, meaning that the number of pupils requiring a place in a special school or SRB has continued to grow.
Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: Cardiff 2030 outlines a goal of ‘A Learning Entitlement' which enables every learner the opportunity and support so that they can achieve, thrive and realise their individual dreams and ambitions. In order to improve outcomes for our most vulnerable learners, many of whom face barriers to engagement in education and learning, addressing inequality is key.
"Already in Cardiff, we have increased the number of Specialist Resource Bases, the expansion and rebuild plans for Riverbank and Woodlands Special Schools are progressing andin Autumn 2021, proposals will be consulted on to increase places at The Court School and to establish a new SRB at Moorland Primary School.
"Further commitments have been made to ensure that the range of expertise, specialist support and facilities available in Cardiff schools provide inclusive learning settings that meet the needs of pupils with additional learning needs, but we recognise that demand is growing.
"If progressed, these plans could help Cardiff increase the range of options for learners whilst helping to ensure that our most vulnerable pupils can access specialist environments and expertise, so that they can thrive in Cardiff and fulfil their potential for the future."
Proposed schemesrelating to special schools include:
Proposals also include the expansion or establishment of 12 Specialist Resource Bases (SRB). For secondary schools they include:
Primary SRB plans include:
Cllr Merry added: "As well as sufficiency of places, the proposals would help to address the poor condition of some school buildings and the suitability of learning environments.
"Under the Band B Investment Programme, the most acute sufficiency and condition issues in Cardiff will be addressed. If proposals are agreed, opportunities would be presented to transform learning opportunities for a greater number of Cardiff's most vulnerable learners in purpose built, 21stCentury specialist learning environments, whilst allowing the Council to fulfil its statutory responsibility to provide appropriate education for children with Additional Learning Needs."
Within the proposed schemes,those which look to increase provision within existing accommodation may not require formal consultation. Other plans would be subject to public consultation and procurement if progressed.
The report will go to Cabinet when it next meets on Thursday 14, October 2021.