Land located at Ty Glas Road in Llanishen, could be used toenable a strategic vision for a mainstream community secondary school and for special school provision,if proposals to purchase the site are progressed.
Areport to Cardiff Council's Cabinet makes recommendations to proceed with plans for a strategic investment, which in the long term could provide new opportunities for education provision in the north of the city.
If progressed, this would support quicker delivery of the Council's 21stCentury Schools and Education Programmeand help provide flexibility for secondary Education in the north of the city. Subject to consultation andplanning permission, the site could eventually help the city address;
Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Cardiff has seen significant investment in its schools and education provision in recent years but the demand for places across the primary, secondary and ALN sectors continues to grow.
"This land investment opportunity could help Cardiff deliver on its commitment toinvest in its education estateand future proof education provision, helping tomeet the projected demand across the city. In time, this would assist the Council in continuing to provide inspiring, sustainable and community-focused schools, in which children and young people can achieve their potential."
The report will go to Cardiff Council's Cabinet when it next meets on Thursday 23, September