Pink and green should never be seen


Have you heard about our Pink Stickers? This week, we launched a scheme to help us improvethe quality of the recycling and composting collected from residents' homes, to help Cardiff to become one of the best recycling cities in the world.

If you've received a pink sticker on your green recycling bag, firstly check if you've put any of the following items in the bag in error:

  • Food waste / leftovers in packets, tins, jars etc
  • Textiles -such as clothes, bedding, rags etc
  • Nappies

These items don't belong in the green recycling bags but can be recycled elsewhere:

Food wasteand leftovers should go in your kitchen caddy, then into your brown kerbside caddy for collection. Food remnants should be rinsed from any containers so that the packaging is clean before it goes into your green recycling bags.

Textilescan go in the textile bank at your local recycling centre at Lamby Way or Bessemer Close or you can donate good quality clothes to charity. Please check with your local charity shop to confirm what items they can take.

Nappiescan be disposed of via our hygiene collection service, find out morehere. Otherwise, please keep them out of your green recycling bags and dispose of them in your general waste bin.

If your green recycling bag doesn't contain any of these items and you've received a pink sticker, please take a look at our Recycling pages to A-Z to find out how to dispose of items correctly:

Find out more  here  and follow #seepinkstopandthink on social media.