Service and weather update - Issued 6.50pm Saturday, March 3

Winter maintenance 

Since last Monday Cardiff Council has spread 500 tonnes of grit with 450 tonnes over the past 3 days alone. 

An average winter season (3 months) sees 2000 tonnes in total used. 

The conditions have been treacherous, but as snow thaws the grit is clearly now reacting and the hard work is beginning to pay off. 

The weather was exceptional, this was a severe red weather warning, our drivers and teams were out in freezing rain and blizzard conditions trying to keep emergency routes clear, helping the vulnerable, delivering meals on wheels, carrying out emergency repairs and helping social services and the emergency services in hazardous conditions. Please bear with us as we try to help those in real need and get the city back up and running. 

If the forecast stays as predicted the snow will continue to thaw. You can see it happening in parts of the city already. The constant snowfall and freezing conditions severely hampered the effectiveness of the grit, but primary routes were open today and we will be working on secondary routes tonight. 

Council teams have also been clearing shopfronts in primary shopping areas and our outreach teams have been helping the homeless come in to our shelters. 

There is a slight risk of black ice on paths later, so anyone walking should take extra care, especially on areas which have been cleared of snow, but which may be untreated with salt/grit. 

Recycling & Waste Collections-Plan for the week commencing Monday, March 5

During the severe disruption which prevented collections on Thursday and Friday, waste crews were redeployed to help keep Cardiff moving. Teams worked tirelessly alongside cleansing and highways teams on gritting when they could. They will continue to support vulnerable people via other critical services throughout the weekend, including driving 4x4s and gritting support. 

With the weather gradually improving, and the thaw to continue tomorrow, the following plan for waste collections has been drawn up:

Household Waste and Recycling Centres

Both Lamby Way and Bessemer Close centres will be open from tomorrow (Sunday March 4)

(Wedal Road centre is now permanently closed)

Commercial Waste (collections for businesses)

Collections will resume tomorrow


We are aware of the need to provide parents with sufficient warning to allow for child care arrangements. Further advice about opening on Monday will be issued on Sunday to schools, who will then communicate directly with parents in light of the decision they make.

Managing flood risk as the snow thaws

EVAC Cardiff has issued the following advice:

During the thaw please be proactive to ensure any drains on/by pavements/highways are free from snow and ice to prevent issues with flooding and protect properties.