Recycling & Waste Collections - Plan for the week commencing Monday, March 5

(Updated Tuesday, March 6)


During the severe weather disruption which prevented collections on Thursday and Friday of last week, waste crews were redeployed to help keep Cardiff moving.


Teams worked tirelessly alongside cleansing and highways teams on gritting when they could. They continued to support vulnerable people via other critical services throughout the weekend, including driving 4x4s and gritting support. 


The following plan for waste collections was drawn up over the weekend, as the weather began to improve and the situation for the week ahead became clearer. 


Cardiff Council is prioritising General Waste, Kerbside Caddy and Hygiene collections, therefore  all Garden Bin/Sack collections have been cancelled this week, until the next scheduled collection  - which can be found on our website at:


Collections that were due to take place on Thursday March 1 and Friday March 2

These are being collected over the course of Monday March 5 to Wednesday March 7 so, apart from Garden Bins/Sacks, residents can leave their bins and bags out for collection. 


Collections due between Monday March 5 and Wednesday March 7


General waste, food caddies and hygiene bag collections will take place as normal (No Garden Bins/Bags) 


There will be  no green bag collections  this week for residents that have their collection on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Instead these will be collected the following week (week commencing Monday, March 12).


Residents that have put recycling bags out for collection between Monday March 5 and Wednesday March 7 are asked to take them back in until their normal collection day next week. 


Collections due on Thursday March 8 and Friday March 9 


Waste, Hygiene and Green Bag collections will take place as normal on Thursday and Friday (No Garden Bins/Bags)  


Thank you for your patience in this matter. If, due to unforeseen circumstance, any further changes have to be made we will alert you via our social media channels and on our website.