Upgrading lighting in Cardiff Schools to save energy


A 1million pound programme to upgrade lighting in 22 Cardiff schools has saved 1,168,638 kWh of energy.

The project installed LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting in the schools which is more environmentally-friendly than incandescent lights due to a semiconductor device in LED bulbs which emit light when an electric current passes through them.

The work was funded by Salix Finance Ltd which provides interest-free Government funding to the public sector to improve their energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. Following on from this successful programme approval has been given for a further phase of Salix funding bids up to a value of £500,000.

Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment, Cllr Michael Michael said: "These energy-saving upgrades have been running since 2014 and have been a great success. In additional to the environmental benefits the new lighting in these schools also makes economic sense as latest figures show there's been an annual saving of £ 153,371 as a result of the work carried out."

Programme Manager at Salix Finance, Judith Britnell said: "We are delighted to see an organisation being so proactive in championing energy efficiency improvements. Cardiff Council is just one example of a public sector organisation that is really benefiting from the interest- free finance that Salix provides. As is sometimesthe case, the absence of up-front capital needed to implement the improvements isn't always available, and that's where we are pleased to help. Salix has been working in partnershipwith the public sector in Wales for over 10 years,during which time it has helped Welsh public bodies invest over £24 m in nearly 400 projects designed to save over £74 million over the lifetime of the projects."